1 Promenade de la Vézère - 24620 LES EYZIES DE TAYAC


(save time on site and opt for online payment!)

We reserve the right to cancel the reservation when the navigation safety conditions are not ensured, in the following 3 cases:

Unfavorable weather or France weather alert.

Level of the Vézère too high due to heavy rainfall. Contact us before.

Airworthiness control delays following strong winds. Contact us before.

You can change the time and date of the service by contacting us.

Choose your boat wisely thanks to the technical sheet.

Payment method


Bank card

Holiday vouchers



≅ 9 km 1h30-2h descent

 10 € À 23 €


≅ 13km 2h30-3h descent

11 € À 25 €

≅ 19km 4h descent

12 € À 27 €

≅ 26 km 5h30 descent

13,5 € À 30 €


Approximately 3 hours of walking and 1h30-2h of descent

11 € à 23 €

Approximately 4 hours of walking and 2h30-3h of descent

11 € à 25 €

We propose 1 hike over 2-3 days on reservation.

From 25€/Pers and per day ( half price for children from 5 to 12 years old included )

où nous trouver ?

1 Promenade de la Vézère